3D belt printing by iFactory3D

Automated additive manufacturing for

▫Serial production

▫Continuous objects

▫Complex geometries without support structures

3D belt printer performing serial production, long object printing and printing complex geometries like overhangs without support

Achieving a new level of productivity – with serial printing from the conveyor belt

Across industries, companies are using 3D printing to visualize and analyze complex projects. In addition to the advantage of customizability and material-saving production of just a few individual parts, additive manufacturing can do even more than it seems at first glance. A 3D belt printer does not stop at the prototype: its technology makes market […]

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iFactory3D awarded at INDUSTRIAL Production election

INDUSTRIAL Production organized for the first time a competition to choose the best products from the industrial sector. The winners were voted for in a total of 6 categories. INDUSTRIAL Production’s first award ceremony for the products of the year In the Additive Manufacturing category of INDUSTRIAL Production’s 2023 Product of the Year voting, iFactory3D […]

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Guest lecture by iFactory3D at the FOM

Recently, our founding team, Artur Steffen & Martin Huber, visited a local university to inform the students about the potential of 3D belt printing for serial production. Close collaboration with students runs through the young tech company’s corporate history so far: several final theses have already been written around the multifaceted topic of belt printing, […]

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Bachelor thesis confirms economic viability and applicability of 3D belt printing

In a bachelor thesis commissioned and supervised by iFactory3D, the economic viability of 3D belt printers compared to classic Cartesian 3D printers for the production of different objects in multiple versions was to be determined, among other things. On the basis of 5 selected objects to be implemented with different parameters and geometries, an economic […]

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